I spy with my little eye…(2012)
Created in collaboration with Iris Musel / Limbic Productions
2012 – Commission from Theatre Delicatessen and Bush Theatre
“I spy with my little eye…” is an installation in which the audience is invited to investigate, discover and play at their own leisurely pace. Discerning illusions, sketching melodies, deciphering codes, cracking quizzes and sharing stories are all part of the big pursuit.
Commissioned by Theatre Delicatessen for the Bush Bazaar, a pop-up theatre marketplace organised at the Bush Theatre.
Concept and creation: Lola Maury and Iris Musel
Sound game design: Eric Samotrakis
Thanks to Sam Agnew, Joaquin Rodriguez San Pedro, Jorge Crecis, Antonio de La Fe, Mariana Camiloti, Giuliana Majo, Hana Turkova, Daura Hernandez-Garcia, Petra Garcia-Febles, Pedro Hernandez-Fuentes, Eres Herandez-Garcia, Christopher Reeve, Kaily Fox and Zoe Plumb for pausing in front of our cameras, and to Rory Van Rooyen, Christian Bros and Lucie Hansom for the generous time they put in driving vans, sawing shelves and PAT testing equipment for us.
Trough out the three weeks Bush Bazaar the participants left some traces of their engagement by writing a never-ending story, recording personal voice messages and creating masterpiece paintings. Here is the transcription of some of these traces:
And for the fun, you can now play one of the games that were part of the installation.
In the video below you have to decipher what the mouth says. The mouth will give you a word made out of 5 letters. Use the Morse code to decipher the letters. When the mouth gives a kiss it corresponds to a dot; when the mouth smiles it corresponds to a dash. Good luck!